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Jury Trial Result: Not Guilty of Sex Crimes in Virginia Beach

Nov 21, 2022
Not Guilty of Sex Crimes in Virginia Beach

Friday afternoon, a Virginia Beach jury found Toscano Law Group client J.G. not guilty of sex crimes that carry a punishment of up to life in prison. 

"We are thrilled with the not guilty verdict," said defense attorney Diane Toscano who represented J.G. as co-counsel. "Our legal team presented an aggressive defense that displayed the Commonwealth failed to meet their burden of proof." 

The trial lasted five days. On the second day of deliberations, the jury came back with a verdict of not guilty on charges of sexual penetration by object and forcible sodomy. Before the trial began, a charge of aggravated sexual battery was Nolle Prossed.

Toscano's co-counsel in the case, Brian Latuga of the law firm Wolcott Rivers Gates, recommended J.G. add Toscano to the legal defense team because of the circumstances. Toscano cross-examined the accuser and the prosecution's expert on sexual assault examinations, and Toscano delivered closing arguments.    

The legal team of Toscano and Latuga proved formidable. 

"In sex cases, one of my jobs is to seperate for the jury the salicacious from the criminal," said Toscano. "Just because the jury finds a particular detail in testimony shocking, doesn't mean it rises to illegal activity." 

She continued, "When the victim and defendant are known to each other at the time of the alleged crime, these cases take on a he-said/she-said quality. That's why I take great care in cross-examining victims of sex crimes. How they are treated on the stand matters a lot to a jury. The personal credibility of the attorneys can be a difference-maker."

Though each case and set of facts is unique, we approached J.G.'s case the way we always do. We listen carefully to our clients and their loved ones, apply the talents of our whole legal team, carefully review all evidence, prepare a strategy and plan, execute the plan and file timely motions, prepare for trial and perform zealous trial advocacy.

Contact Toscano Law Today if you are facing serious felony charges and need legal representation.  

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